Registered NDIS Provider | NDIS Provider No: 4050003156

Harris Park, NSW 2150

Suite 2, Shop 1, 7F Parkes Street

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Available Accommodation

Group home available in Seven Hills

This 5 bedroom house is located in a quiet and...Read More→


Helping participants access the supports they need

To ensure participants can access the supports they need, the NDIA monitors the market and trials a range of intervention approaches to address market gaps across Australia. ‘Market gaps’ exist where there is a gap between participant need and availability of...

Checking in with participants during COVID-19

The NDIA is continuing to proactively check in with vulnerable participants during COVID-19, which we commenced in March 2020. In New South Wales, NDIA planners have been making calls in recent weeks to participants who have been directly affected by COVID-19, and...

NDIS CEO- Scheme reform update

The Hon Linda Reynolds has been appointed the new Minister for the NDIS and is taking the opportunity to consult further on Scheme reforms, including independent assessments, ahead of releasing draft changes to legislation. I’ve recorded a short video for...

Help shape the future of the NDIS

Do you want to provide your feedback to shape the future of the NDIS? Become a Participant First member and share your ideas with us. Be the first to find out about feedback opportunities, and have your say on things like our: policies services communication...

All our support workers are fully vaccinated